Jess, Jay + Bump | Toronto Maternity Photographer

I mentioned that I've been shooting again over the past few weeks – so it's time to start showing it! Although it can be tough to be away from Brooke while she's so young, it's also a nice break and it feels so good to be holding the camera and focused on nothing else but my lovely subjects. And this shoot was particularly awesome because Jessica and Jay are good friends of ours, and they are expecting their first baby in just a couple of weeks. We couldn't be more thrilled for them.  

We booked a sitter and spent an entire Saturday evening with Jay & Jess. We started at their new house and then headed to the Ancaster Old Mill. It was fun to have Kyle as my assistant for the evening and by the end I was a sweaty mess with muddy feet (I took my chances with a swamp in hopes of a great shot). Relaxing with a glass of wine was the perfect ending. A beautiful sunset, catching up with good friends, Pinot Grigio and dinner. That's my kinda night.